Saturday, March 10, 2007

Government Misconduct Suspected In Firing of U.S. Attorneys

Several U.S. Attorneys were fired at the end of last year and it is now becoming clear that they were fired as retribution for not releasing information regarding ongoing Federal investigations and for not opening investigations against Democrats at the request of Republicans. Some of the Prosecutors were fired shortly after receiving strange phone calls from Republican members of Congress, who appeared to be making attempts to obtain information about Federal investigations and sealed indictments. It is against ethics policy for members of Congress to attempt to obtain sensitive information about ongoing investigations, to attempt to manipulate or influence investigations or to use their positions of power (on behalf of the Bush Administration) to threaten or punish others for not helping to manipulate investigations for political purposes.

I doubt if the Democrats in Congress will do much of anything about this, but it is just another example of how corrupt the Bush administration is. Unfortunately, the Congress is so corrupt that the bar has been lowered when it comes to misconduct. It seems as though each year....more rules must be broken before anyone does anything. But if this happened 20 years ago, when the bar on misconduct was somewhat higher, this would be a major deal.

There is still a twinkle of hope that the Democrats might suddenly grow a few spines and will take action.

This was a clear case of officials attempting to influence investigations for political gain...hoping that more investigations of Democrats around election time would have prevented the outcome of the November elections. This shows the desperation by the Republicans as the mid-term elections got closer.


Watch the Congressional Hearings here. This is from last week, by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

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