Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Micheal Steele vs Mel Martinez for RNC Chair

Just another Republican in Black or Brown face

AAPPundit says: Yes it’s true, until today only one blogger in America, (big hat tip) Jack and Jill Politics, blogged on the choice for RNC Chairman publicly boiling down to Michael Steele, the recently defeated Senate candidate and Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL), first Cuban-American Senator. (Steele for the Black Vote or Martinez for the Latino vote).

Martinez and Bush

A number of bloggers, including Booker Rising are urging Mr. Steele to carefully weigh his options, and would rather see him as head of the Republican National Committee. Booker Rising says his skills may be better suited in articulating GOP ideals. Ouch! Articulating GOP ideals? Is this the same Republican National Committee that ran the most replayed ads, featuring a bubbly blonde telling Ford to call her. You remember the commercial that made an implicit appeal to deep-seated racial fears about black men and white women.

Steele and Bush

Wait a minute, there are other African American bloggers who have some thoughts about Republican ideals. Take for instance, The Reid Report who have said, “And how can Michael Steele vie for the job as head of the Republican Party after running for the Senate as an undercover GOPer whose bumper stickers read “Steele Democrat“…? Not to mention the idea of putting a Black man in charge of a party that targeted Black voters for disenfranchisement and intimidation with abandon during Tuesday’s elections.”

There are other bloggers saying “I told you so” Anderson at large has pointed out the notion that black voters would embrace right-wing Republicans in blackface was farcical on its face. Enter, the name of Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL), first Cuban-American Senator. Mel was formerly Secretary of HUD before becoming elected to Congress in 2004.

Jack and Jill Politics sees it, the issue of a black vs. hispanic tussle for who will battle Howard Dean for the heart and soul (and vote) of America is in play- or is it.

I’m not sure about it being a black vs hispanic tussle, maybe it’s just a bit of hype, as currently, the heart and soul (and vote) of America is with Democrats (see New Map).

Rewind: The issue of a black vs. hispanic tussle for who will battle Howard Dean for the heart and soul (and vote) of America is not in play with black voters. We have spoken loud and clear. As Anderson at large has pointed out the notion that black voters would embrace right-wing Republicans in blackface was farcical on its face.

I contend (ok I’m not Latino but the evidence shows) the notion Latino voters would embrace right-wing Republicans in brown face is also farcical on its face - and will not play out to Latinos, including, Cuban- Americans, Mexican Americans, Puerto Rican -Americans, and other diverse Latino groups from N.Y to LA and places in between.

Candidly, I could care less (ok maybe a little) if Republicans choose Micheal Steele or Mel Martinez for RNC Chair.

As Ron Walters, professor of government and politics at the University of Maryland, said Republicans have to identify candidates based on issues, not skin color. “They have to have positions that are in line with the black community,” he said. “If they can’t attract the black vote, it won’t pay off.”

AAPPundit says: Micheal Steele V Mel Martinez, ‘who cares’. Just another Republican in Black Face or Brown face. If the Republican Party positions are not inline with the black and latino communities it won’t make a difference who is chair. As the CNN Article notes, issues trump skin color.


Oops, I forgot about neo con supporter, Michelle Malkin, says, Oh, well. Michael Steele has been passed up for Sen. Mel Martinez. Yes, a squish on border security is now the RNC chair. Has the GOP learned anything? She also provides a link to the Center for Immigration Studies analysis of Martinez’s amnesty bill.

It appears the neo con brat Michelle Malkin is concerned about more thumbs down from the conservative base. As she whines, cry’s and holds her breath, and says, “not that anyone cares about them anymore.”

1 comment:

  1. Another attempt by Republicans to split the vote of another segment of the population.

    I don't think it will work though.

    They are trying to regain their hardcore Republican base. Therefore, there was no way that they could have picked Steele.... A Black man who is open to some forms of affirmative action.... one of the big sticking points for the Republican base.

    It was terrible how they led Steele on though, lol. Making that man (and others) believe that he was really part of the team.... then dropping him. But he could get some kind of appointment in the Bush administration... a token appointment. But something far less than a position of real leadership in the RNC.

    I hope they drop this plan of using "black face" in 2008. I'm tired of seeing these people... lol.
    But I have a feeling we will see the same play calling again... perhaps with a new crew of stooges. They will likely use them in States with big black populations.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they tried it in Missouri. Black voters in Missouri basically made the difference for McCaskill and are responsible for Dems taking the Senate. McCaskill was really not supposed to win. It was one of the true toss ups, along with Virginia.
    She kept it close enough in the rural areas that she had the upper hand at the end when the results started coming in from the Urban areas. Talent had been in the lead all night.

    But the issues here were not so much race. It had more to do with economics... poor blacks and poor whites have been catching hell in the State.
