Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Democrats Don't Gain The Senate

White Americans were scared to death of losing their tax cuts, came out in force to vote on moral issues.

In the Senate.... The Republican plan worked flawlessly, just as I suspected. (The plan= putting moral/social wedge issues on the same ballots as the candidates... this beats Democrats everytime... because it riles up Republicans and brings Conservative voters to the polls in large numbers. Democrats are too stupid to figure this out and put together an effective strategic plan to fight and eliminate this Republican tactic. There should be laws or rules that prevent Republicans...or anyone from stacking these ballots with so many other issues...especially Controversial wedge issues during an election year. Such issues should be taken up in off years... or non-election years, so that they don't unfairly influence the votes for the candidates.)

Now let's see if the stupid Democratic Party can manage to win the House of Representatives.

Winning the House of Representatives and not the Senate would be a partial victory for Democrats. The only thing that they could do, would be to obstruct the Republican thugs and maniacs, and hold a few hearings, which is good enough for me. However, all of this other nonsense that Democrats claim they want to do is all dead now. They won't be able to pass any serious legislation on anything...despite their claims.

But the House of Representatives is still in doubt as far as i'm conserned. It will be late tonight or tomorrow morning before Democrats learn if they have won the House of Representatives.

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