Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Bush Sticks To Staying the Course on N. Korea and Iraq

In A Speech Today, Bush Says He Is Staying the Course on North Korea and Iraq, Despite the Obvious Failure of White House Policies Towards Both Countries.

"Staying the Course" is leading us straight to Hell on both of these issues.

Here is a Summary of What Bush Had to Say Today:

What I heard was....

**More of the same

**Stay the course (continue with the failed policy that helped get us to where we are in North Korea).

**A refusal to negotiate one on one with North Korea.

**And a continued threat of force.

Sanctions? That was the same policy that they had before... Should they be used? certainly. However, the Bush administration wants to use sanctions as a tool for regime change and as a precursor to a possible attack down in the future (perhaps less likely now after the reported nuke test).

China and Russia will not agree with the level of sanctions that Bush &Co. are pushing for.

And the U.S. also wants to blockade N. Korean Ports and intercept ships going in and out (all likely to cause a military confrontation). If the UN doesn't agree to this, the U.S. will probably go ahead and do it anyway on its own or along with the UK and Australian Navies.

I heard absolutely nothing from the Bush Speech that was encouraging... in fact, what I heard had the opposite affect. A peaceful outcome is a lot less likely now.

On Iraq? There was the same "stay the course" madness.

When will Americans wake up to this nonsense?

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