Sunday, July 16, 2006


Chaos in the Middle East (Encouraged by the U.S.) sends oil prices skyrocketing.

Why doesn't Bush & Co. use U.S. leverage to ease and solve the crisis? Well.... who benefits when gas prices shoot up? The Buddies of the Bush administration are the ones who benefit. Don't forget that most of the key players in the Bush administration have direct ties to the oil industry- Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, and several others in the Bush administration are connected to big oil companies. The Bush administration gets much of its support from that industry. So it should be no surprise that the Bush administration does not act to prevent the Middle East from imploding. In fact, they welcome the developments in the Middle East because it creates a boon for their pals in the oil industry.

Americans still don't quite understand how the incompetence of their President (allowing the Middle East to get out of control) impacts their lives.

They will no doubt feel the effects at the gas station. And it won't be just at the gas station that Americans will feel the pain. They will also feel the pain at the bank, at the grocery store, with their retirement/savings plans, and all kinds of places. The high gas prices will impact the stock market and the rest of the U.S. economy as inflation grows. Everything will soon be more expensive.

This is why Americans need to raise hell about the incompetence of the Bush administration in terms of how it deals with international issues.

The events in the Middle East is the result of months and years of neglect by the U.S.

There has been zero diplomacy from the U.S.

In fact, the U.S. is encouraging the war in the Middle East, rather than easing tension.

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