Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Discussion with Neocon Newt Gingrich

Listen to Discussion with Republican War Advocate Newt Gingrich from On Point Radio. Interview was conducted last week.

The pro-war nut states that we are in WWIII and should be prepared for attacks on more countries. Of course, like 95% of the other pro-war nuts running around (the same ones who got us into the mess in Iraq) Newt has no combat experience. Yet this nutball is considered to be some kind of expert on war.

Why in the hell are the major networks giving him (and people like him) airtime to spew their pro-war propaganda? I know that the U.S. has a media system controlled by Republicans and Zionists, but they should at least use spokesmen who know about the subject that they are talking about...in this case, "war".

By the way.... Newt gets destroyed in this discussion by Jack Beatty, who brought an alternative viewpoint.

Listen to Discussion


A Great Related Article from the Nation Magazine.

Gingrich Can't Wait For World War III
Nation: Neocons Are Nuts To Join Israel-Hezbollah Conflict

written by Katrina Vanden Heuvel

For them, Afghanistan and Iraq will not suffice. They want to take out Syria and Iran, and speed full steam ahead towards World Wars III and IV. The Weekly Standard asks simply, "Why wait?"

According to Newt Gingrich, there is no need to wait at all. On "Meet the Press" this past Sunday, he offered that the Israel-Hezbollah conflict "… is, in fact, World War III" and "the U.S. ought to be helping...."

And how might the U.S. help fight Newt's World War? The Weekly Standard provides the answer: "It would be easier to act sooner rather than later. Yes, there would be repercussions — and they would be healthy ones, showing a strong America that has rejected further appeasement."

George Will — not exactly your run-of-the-mill, card-carrying liberal — describes the neocons as "so untethered from reality as to defy caricature." But what has caused them to become so completely unhinged (even more so than before, if one can imagine that possibility)?

With the deteriorating occupation in Iraq and a resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan, the neocons have been completely discredited. Meanwhile, the Bush administration is engaging in a "muddled multilateralism" — not quite pursuing diplomacy but not acting unilaterally at the whims of the Decider et al., either.

And this simply infuriates them. As Danielle Pletka of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) told The Washington Post, "I don't have a friend in … any part of the conservative foreign policy establishment who is not beside themselves with fury at the administration."

Well, perhaps The Weekly Standard staffers, editors, and allies at the likes of AEI will harness some of their "fury," put on flak jackets and (poorly) funded armor (is there enough to go around after Iraq?), and go fight their own failed war in defense of their own failed ideology. Meanwhile, the rest of us will remain here on this planet.


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