Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Most Brilliant Piece of Political Writing I've Ever Read...

The Most Brilliant Piece of Political Writing I've Ever Read...

Article is from Harpers Magazine, written by Ben Metcalf.

Link To Article


  1. When they come... i'll be sure to say you did it.


    So you are like Joanne Chesimard, Angela Davis, & Ramona Africa????

    LOL Damn!!! Hardcore!
    You look so innocent though... Didn't realize your sense of humor was so twisted. lol

    The article WAS funny....good use of satire.... But I have all kinds of readers...including die-hard Republicans.

    I DID get it.... Didn't miss the point.
    But a few slow people may not "get it"...

    So it's safe to say that you wouldn't kiss him (Bush) for a million dollars?


  2. I guess I'm (he's) not allowed to write it.

    That's unfortunate.

    Even if the slow people don't get it, they are free to debate and even attack the article to their heart's content. That is their right. But there's no reason why this needed to be consored.

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  4. I'll see if I can find the page from Harpers (The source). If I find a direct link for the article, then i'll be happy to post it.

    I have no problem with it per se... But would like to avoid having it directly posted to the page. People in this country are crazy! They have a tendency to read only the most controversial lines, while ignoring the context. So I try to avoid these kinds of gray areas if at all possible.

    But I'm going to find a link for it.

    Please continue to post your articles/Commentary.


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  6. I took care of it.

    Sorry Joy. ;)
