Friday, April 07, 2006

Scooter Libby Says Cheney and Bush Approved Leak

New Documents show that Libby told Grand Jury in CIA leak case that Cheney and Bush gave him the o.k. to leak classified information about Plame. It was done to help discredit and intimidate Ambassador Joe Wilson- Husband of the CIA worker and a critic of the war in Iraq.

This was no surprise. I knew that at a minimum, Cheney was probably involved in the leaking of CIA information. This just represents more of the criminal organization being revealed.

However, what aggravated me most after this news broke was how the State-run American media, especially FOX, CNN, and MSNBC, quickly began to scramble to save these scoundrels by painting them in the most positive light possible. With Armstrong Williams and so many other reporters on the White House payroll and being planted in so many places, it makes me wonder how many of these phony reporters are on the take.

Several news outlets quickly began a campaign to convince viewers that this really was not a big deal afterall, and that we should go back to being obedient zombies. The major news outlets went out of their way to downplay the new information. People should be asking the question- why?

This clown Jeffrey Toobin of CNN wanted to convince us that these acts were not really illegal and were actually o.k.- "It is not clear if the President or Mr. Cheney specifically mentioned the name of Valerie Plame. Even if they did leak such Classified information this would not be illegal". So everything is o.k. OHHH BULLSHIT JEFFREY!!!!

These reporters in this State-run American media system should be arrested for collaboration in these crimes and for trying to convince the public to believe the lie that, all of a sudden, no crimes were committed- all of this while an investigation is ongoing and there is an active grand jury involved. One person has already been indicted in the case for not cooperating with the initial investigation.

And will anyone be impeached? Of course not. Even though these are certainly high crimes that are more than enough for impeachment. This is greater than Watergate in terms of magnitude. And it is certainly greater than what Clinton was accused of. I'm no fan of Bill Clinton (despised him at times) but I find it strange that he had to be impeached for a private matter, costing taxpayers millions of dollars, yet other people are allowed to get away with what are truly huge diabolical crimes. Just another example of American hypocrisy. I guess these people believe that other countries are not watching...and this is the "democracy" that the U.S. wants to export? Please.

An impeachment will never come from a Republican Congress. There won't even be a support for one. And impeachment also would not come even from a Congress that was controlled by Democrats. This is why I often refer to Democrats and Republicans as Republicrats- crooks that are one in the same. They are all thugs and crooks. I put "most" of these people on the same level as child molesters. And that includes the crooked news reporters who collude with these people in under the table deals.

I have written before about the collusion between American media and government.

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