Wednesday, April 26, 2006


O.J. Simpson recently announced that he is launching an investigation to find the real killers of Nicole Brown. He is putting together a dream team of investigators and he will be on the case, according to his assistant.

"The Killers Will Be Found", he said in a statement. "I don't care what I have to do..."

In other news.... (pardon me .... there seems to be some technical difficulties.. my producer is straightening things out now...apparently this was the wrong report)....

The Angry Independent
OH WAIT A MINUTE!!! OH I'M SORRY READERS....!!! Please Forgive me!

I got the O.J. report mixed up with the report of an investigation of the oil industry by Mr. Big Oil himself. Flashback to the O.J. Trial.... sorry.

O.J.'s statement years ago about wanting to find the real killers was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the report about Bush launching an investigation into the oil business. That's like letting a known child molester watch your children for the weekend. This government is so full of absurdities.

FOX news and all the rest of the Bush media want the American people to believe that a President who is from the Big Oil Industry...and a Vice President who is from the Big Oil Industry, (who happen to have a Secretary of State with an Oil Tanker named after her, and a Sec. of Defense with huge ties to the oil and defense industries) will launch an investigation against their closest, most loyal supporters in the corporate world- The oil industry.

GIVE ME A F_____G BREAK!!! They could have at least tried to lie a little better on this one. I give them a 2.5 on a scale of 10 for that effort. They are beginning to slack off in the lie competition. Absolutely no creativity with that one at all... I would expect an administration that has developed so much expertise in lying to the American people to be a little more creative than that.

No other administration in the history of this country has had closer ties to the oil industry. THEY ARE THE OIL INDUSTRY! On the global level, the only government with closer ties to big oil than the White House is the Saudi government. The Bushies and Cheneys are the Western version of a Saudi Royal family supported by big oil.

Does anyone in their right mind really believe that there will be an investigation? Please.. This is strictly damage control and window dressing in preparation for the Congressional elections later this year. Bush isn't going to bite the hand that feeds him.... He depends on his close friends in the oil industry for his support. Who do you think bankrolls these people in the White House?

We are seeing the result of failed policy or lack of policy from the last 4 or 5 U.S. Presidents.
At this point, half of all U.S. vehicles should be running on ethanol or Hydrogen. The U.S. is at least 10-15 years behind in the development of an alternative fuel society. The U.S. used to be known for leading the way and innovating these things that change the we will be followers trying to desperately catch up. But during this catch up period, we will be held hostage by global events, other countries, and other circumstances beyond our control. U.S. foreign policy is also to blame for this nonsense, because it set the stage for what we see now. Our pro-war stance in the world continues to aggravate oil prices.

It's not like the U.S. never saw this coming. We should have embarked on a bold, ambitious, and massive "New Deal" "Kennedy and the Space Race" type of endeavor years ago to rid ourselves from dependence of foreign oil and events overseas. The oil crisis' of the 1970's should have been the only wake up call that we needed. But the giant quicky fell back to sleep.

Follow this ridiculous story here...

Great Commentary on this issue from the Huffington Post. And also from the Chicago Tribune.

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