Thursday, February 02, 2006

Michael Savage Bashes Coretta Scott King After Her Death

Michael Savage, a Right-Wing Conservative nutjob, bashed Coretta Scott King on his radio show on Wednesday, Feb.1, a day after she passed away. He laughed about G.W. Bush mentioning her in the State of the Union Speech, degraded her sacrifices, and made fun of her worth to her husband, family, and her people.

This is no surprise, this is the same guy who badmouthed the victims of the Asian Tsunami, questioning their worth as human beings, and stated that we should not have given them assistance.

Michael Savage, who claims to be an independent on his website, is actually one of many right-wing talk show hosts who are part of the mighty Conservative media apparatus that controls much of talk radio, T.V. news, and controls debate in this country. He is part of the same Right-wing Conservative media machine that includes Rush Limbaugh and literally hundreds of others like him. These people are syndicated by hundreds of radio and T.V. stations across America. For those who are not familiar with Savage & others like him... they are racists to the core. I'm embarassed to say that I actually agreed with this clown on some issues... but on the majority of subjects, the guy really shows how much of a looney he is.

Some of the other Conservative mouthpieces like him on radio and T.V. are Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Limbaugh of course, Matt Drudge, Laura Ingraham, Pat Robertson, Michael Reagan, Neal Boortz, Chuck Colson, Glenn Beck, G. Gordon Liddy, Oliver North, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, and countless others. When you add up all the nationally syndicated Conservative media figures, and all the local Conservative Republican T.V. and radio hosts from cities across America, you are talking about at least 200 people. They represent the media apparatus for the Republican Party. This is what allows the Republican party to control debate, squash dissent in the media...and to block real news and journalism.

Much of what they do amounts to hate speech (supported by the FCC, and by Corporate America which supports their views and makes sure these shows stay on the air by providing plenty of Corporate sponsorship). This is one of the biggest ways that Corporations support the Republican party, by making sure these Right Wing Conservative shows dominate the airwaves. They do it through their advertising support.

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